
Adding custom actions and messages

BotUI is easily extensible with custom actions and messages. Following guide goes over adding a star-rating action and its companion message.

Add a custom action

Creating a star rating action.

const StarsAction = () => {
  const bot = useBotUI() // current instance
  const action = useBotUIAction() // get current action
  const array = new Array('⭐️') // to make it easier to iterate
  return <div>
  {, i) => <button key={i} onClick={() => {{ starsGiven: i + 1 }) // to resolve the action
    }}>{ i + 1 } { v }</button>)
const actionRenderers = {
  'stars': StarsAction
<BotUIAction renderer={actionRenderers} />
  { total: 10 }, // data
  { actionType: 'stars' } // meta
.then(data => { // data is what was returned from .next()
  return botui.message.add({ text: `You rated it ${data.starsGiven} stars!`  })

Running the above will render something like this:


And clicking one of the buttons will show the response we added.


Notice the human-side message is empty. Let's fix that by adding a custom messageType that can handle the response of our action.

Add a custom message

Similar to adding a custom action, you can also add a custom message.

Let's create a message to render stars.

const StarsMessage = ({ message }) => {
  const stars = new Array('⭐️') // to make it easier to iterate
  return <div>
  { stars }
const messageRenderers = {
  'stars': StarsMessage
<BotUIMessageList renderer={messageRenderers} />

Now let's go back to our stars action example and just update the .next() to use our new messageType:{ starsGiven: i + 1 }, { messageType: 'stars' }) // to resolve the action

Now when we click one of the buttons from our action we'll see a nice star-showing message:


Let's cleanup now:

const StarsAction = () => {
  const bot = useBotUI() // current instance
  const action = useBotUIAction() // get current action
  const array = new Array('⭐️') // to make it easier to iterate
  return <div>
  {, i) => <button key={i} onClick={() => {{ starsGiven: i + 1 }, { messageType: 'stars' }) // to resolve the action
    }}>{ i + 1 } { v }</button>)
const StarsMessage = ({ message }) => {
  const stars = new Array('⭐️') // to make it easier to iterate
  return <div>
  { stars }
const messageRenderers = {
  'stars': StarsMessage
const actionRenderers = {
  'stars': StarsAction
const renderers = {
  actionRenderers: actionRenderers,
  messageRenderers: messageRenderers,
const myBot = createBot()
<BotUI bot={myBot}>
  <BotUIMessageList renderer={renderers.messageRenderers} />
  <BotUIAction renderer={renderers.actionRenderers} />
  { total: 10 }, // data
  { actionType: 'stars' } // meta
.then((data) => { // data is what was returned from .next()
  return myBot.message.add({ text: `You rated it ${data.starsGiven} stars!`  })